KScope14 Details and Information

I’m very excited to be part of KScope once again this year. June 22-26, 2014 The location is the beautiful city of Seattle, Washington. I’ll be doing two presentations. First, I’ll be co-presenting with Scott Spendolini on “Creating Business-Oriented UI in APEX“. This presentation is very close to my heart. UI and design are things I love to do and have strong opinions on. It has been dubbed the “Just Say No” presentation, but you’ll just have to be there to know why. The second is called “Go-Go-Gadget: Learn about Inspectors“. If you’ve worked with APEX for any amount of time, you quickly realize that knowledge of HTML, CSS and Javascript can really propel you applications. However, you need some extra tools in your developers tool-belt to efficiently work with these technologies. When working with SQL and PL/SQL we may use SQL Developer, SQL*Plus or TOAD, but when you work with web technologies you need Inspectors!
BTW, the Early Bird registration deadline is fast approaching (March 25), you can register here. You’ll be saving your company or yourself $300 !! But wait, there’s more! Did you know you could actually save $400? Read on…

Also new this year at KScope14 is the APEX Theming Competition. Read the details on the website. Lets just say that if you have ANY skill level working with APEX Themes this is right up your alley. I have the privilege and honor of being one of the judges for this competition, along with Christian Rokitta and Shakeeb Raman. Your deadline to submit a theme is May 15.
I did mention you could get $400 off for KScope, right? Do the early bird registration ($300 off) and enter the Theming Competition for an extra $100 Isn’t that great? Plus you don’t have to submit a theme just yet. Register for KScope and then when you submit a theme (before the May 15 deadline) you can get $100 back. How awesome is that? That’s $100 just for entering, you don’t even need to win.
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