Plugin: Cav Success Message

Plugin: Cav Success Message

Would you rather see “Action Processed.” or “New Department created.”, “Department saved.” and “Department deleted.”? Even better, how about “Sales Department saved.”?

This plugin allows you to configure your processing Success Message to a specific REQUEST.

This Process plugin was originally imagined and created by my good friend Gemma Wood of Cavanti. Gemma entrusted me with the maintenance and publishing of the plugin. I then ported it to APEX 5.1 (I’m pretty sure it would even work on APEX 4.2) so it would be compatible with as many versions of APEX as possible.

Get at apex.wold
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Git Repo

It is very simple to use. Add the process plugin as the last step of your processes or before the Dialog Close process if using a modal page. Se your “Entity” name and you’re done.

Hi, I'm Jorge Rimblas. Father, husband, photographer, Oraclenerd, Oracle APEX expert, Oracle ACE, coffee lover, car guy, gadget addict, etc... I'm an APEX Tech Lead DRW. I have worked with Oracle since 1995 and done eBusiness Suite implementations and customizations. Nowadays I specialize almost exclusively in Oracle APEX.

3 Comments on “Plugin: Cav Success Message

    • The plugin doesn’t do that today and I think a better solution for a completely dynamic Success Message would be to simply have a PL/SQL Process with code like this:

      apex_application.g_print_success_message := dynamic_message_function();

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